Wednesday 18 November 2020

Almond nib and Cheese Pretzels

Yield: 12 pcs

1 1/2 cup warm water
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 tsp kosher salt
2 1/4 tsp yeast
4 1/2 cups APF
4 tbsp melted butter

Baking soda water bath:
5 cups water
1/3 cup baking soda

Egg Wash:
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp water

Course salt  
sugar + almond nibs
Cheddar cheese

1. Combine water, sugar, salt in a mixing bowl till sugar and salt dissolve. Sprinkle yeast on top.
Allow to sit for 5 mins till foam.
2. Add flour and butter and knead till it form a pliable dough.
3. Preheat oven to 225C. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
4. Combine water + soda in a pot. Bring to boil.
5. Turn dough onto a clean work surface. Roll dough into 24 cm rope and roll into a U shape.
Holding the end of the rope, cross them over each other twice and press onto the bottom of the
U in order to form the shape Pretzel. Place onto the prepared baking sheets.
6. Gently lower the pretzel into the soda solution for 30 secs.
7. Brush the top of pretzel with egg wash and sprinkle the topping.
8. Bake till golden brown about 12 to 14 mins
9. Brush with butter....


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Almond nib and Cheese Pretzels